4 Your Eyez Only Review and Kendrick VS. Cole

This by far the album I have debated over most with my friends . To me this album didn’t live up to the hype and I was disappointed. Cole had some big shoes to fill after “forest hills drive” and I don’t think he filled them. To me the album was just to boring and bland. I felt like it was putting me to sleep. I think he should have just released some of the songs like “immortal” as just singles. I do like cole and I do feel he is a great artist but it wasn’t enjoyable. You know your albums going down hill when you start rapping about doing the laundry. 

Another debate I’d like to settle is Kendrick vs Cole. I would say  Kendrick definetly is better. He is more consistent than cole and that’s what makes him on a higher level. They are both great lyricists but to be the best you need to be consistent aswell. Kendrick’s past albums have been amazing and Cole has seemed a hit or a miss. 

Grateful – DJ Khaled


WARNING: This is my opinion and I’m not holding back


Wow. I’ll be honest I’ve never heard an album quite like it, and thats not in a good way. I don’t understand how an album with so many old artists can turn into a living hell for my ear drums. Don’t get me wrong their was only 2 songs (Im The One and Wild Thoughts) that I thought “Yeah thats alright”.  The rest of the album is just a mess, there are some good verses but it doesn’t compensate for the rubbish choruses.  Dj Khaled just shouts and after the first song you just want him to shut up. Chance the rapper is wasted and he literally sings the alphabet. Lets be honest if you have a grammy award winning rapper you don’t get him to rap the f***ing alphabet which most kids in nursery could sing. Beyonce and Jay z don’t do themselves any justice either. This album is a prime example of how it doesn’t matter what big artists you have, you’re album can still be s**t. I’ll be honest I didn’t like his last album but looking back, it wasn’t near half as bad as this. Khaled for the past 3 years has released 3 albums, this either shows commitment or that he’s rushing. I think he’s just releasing stuff too quickly, he could easily take his time and release 12 songs that have been perfected instead of 22 songs that are unbearable. Overall this album is the worst thing I have listened to this year (Maybe all time), it could have been so much more but instead it fell at almost every hurdle. Khalid also needs to learn that shouting ” We da best” isn’t going to make the song sound any better…